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"I’ve been to enough Winter Gardens
throughout the country, and I know that
our Winter Gardens
one of the best."

"It is the most beautiful; the chandeliers and everything about it."
"The Jewish community used to hire the Queen’s Hall in the Winter Gardens and have dinner dancing."

"In those days, the Winter Gardens used to have what they called a Sunday Social, where they would make time for anybody that wanted to
sing on the microphone."
"[Carnival Queen] it was lovely at the Winter Garden. It was really quite a big thing then."
"I remember even going there when I was a kid for
school award ceremonies and things."
"Winter Gardens to see the Beatles… From the balcony
screaming our heads off
so we had a sore throat the next day."

"Great fun!"
"They had a children’s challenge show every year."
"We got married here in
Winter Gardens in Margate. We had around 200-250 guests. You invite everyone."

"I’ve heard it’s
now closed
which is tragic.
"I saw Laurel and Hardy live!"

"It’d make an
amazing amphitheatre."
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